TEXT: (540) 554-6441
Donate by Text:
To donate by text, a donor simply:
- Texts the amount they'd like to give to (540) 554-6441 (e.g. $50). (For more command options, see the section below)
- If they've donated by text before, they'll receive a text in response confirming that their gift has been received successfully and they're done.
- If it's the first time they are donating by text, they'll be given a link and asked to supply their payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked with their phone number so that, in the future, all they will need to do is text in the amount and they will not need to re-enter their payment information.
Text Giving Commands
The following are a list of commands that the text giving system accepts:
Command |
Description |
$50 |
Donates $50 to your church. Users can type any amount; the dollar sign is optional (e.g. $50 and 50 both work). |
give $50 |
Same as above. |
give |
Your online giving number will respond asking how much you'd like to give. Telling people to text 'give' to your number can be a more succinct way to communicate text giving. |
$50 missions |
Donates $50 to the missions fund. (Note: Donors can only give to one fund at a time.) |
$50 weekly |
Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week. Frequency options are 'weekly', 'biweekly', 'monthly', and 'yearly'. |
$50 missions weekly |
Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week to the missions fund. Frequency options are 'weekly', 'biweekly', 'monthly', and 'yearly'. |
refund |
Refunds the previously given contribution. (Donors can only refund their own gift with this command within 24 hours of giving the gift. If the previously given contribution started a recurring gift, the recurrence will also be canceled.) |
update |
Allows donor to update their payment method or recurring gift. Your text giving number will respond with a link where users can make these changes. (You can only update recurring gifts via text when the recurring gift was established via text giving.) |
unlink |
Unlinks a user's phone from the text to give system. |
commands |
Provides the user with a list of the available text commands. |