We exist as a church to glorify God by developing disciples who love God, love people and influence the world with the hope of the gospel.
UPCOMING at Catawba
WILD GAME DINNER This year the Wild Game Dinner will be located at Lakeside Baptist Church on Saturday, February 22nd. If you are able to assist with volunteering or donating to this event, please see Pastor Jake Barnett. GATHER25: ROANOKE Join us for an unprecedented gathering of the global Church! GATHER25 will take place at Parkway Church on the Mountain from 6:00pm-9:00pm on March 1, 2025. Join us for live prayer and worship, along with live stream and highlights of the global Gather25 sites from earlier in the day. Space is limited, reserve your tickets today! Learn more at ragif.org. GLOBAL MISSIONS 101 An upcoming five-week course designed to enlighten minds and enliven passions for the cause of global missions! The course will take place Monday evenings, March 10 - April 7, 2025 | 6:00-8:00pm. Learn more at ragif.org. |
We’re designed to live in community! In our mission to reach people for Christ, we are providing Life Groups in strategic locations where our church family resides. Everyone is welcome! Participate in one of six Life Groups available this year meeting at various times and locations. Find a Life Group near you! CHURCH DIRECTORY. An electronic copy of our Active Membership Directory may be accessed through Breeze online by visiting cvbc.breezechms.com. In order to receive a member login, please send an email to [email protected] or by contacting the church office by phone at 540-380-8448 Ext. 3. DEACON CARE TEAMS. Each member is assigned to one of our deacon care teams by last name. Our deacons provide support in times of need. It's only possible to minister when the need is known. If you have a need, please contact your deacon to let them know. GLOBAL WORKERS CARE TEAMS We want to strengthen our connection with our Mission Staff. As a result, Care Teams will be a group of people who are committed to connecting, praying and ministering to our Sent/Supported Missionaries overseas. You would provide care support, such as sending emails, messages, and care packages for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc. Also to help with hospitality when they're in our area. This would be for one year. To sign up please complete this form here. KROGER REWARDS If you didn't know, we're a part of the Kroger Rewards Program. You can help us earn rewards just by shopping at Kroger. Don't forget to link your Kroger Plus card to Catawba Valley Baptist Church (AW289). So far, we have 23 households participating. Sign-up your card today by visiting this link! |
We continue to praise the Lord for His direction and provision in making possible our Meadow Campus property on RT. 311.
Let's continue to rejoice in all that God has done! Less than $49,000 is what remains for the Meadow Campus property - praise God!
A special "building fund" has been established for the purchase of the property and future development. Special gifts may be designated toward the new property at any time! Would you join us by praying and believing God to supply the remaining balance.
Let's continue to rejoice in all that God has done! Less than $49,000 is what remains for the Meadow Campus property - praise God!
A special "building fund" has been established for the purchase of the property and future development. Special gifts may be designated toward the new property at any time! Would you join us by praying and believing God to supply the remaining balance.